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                          2. Files

        Upon initialization,  DOORWAY looks  for several  files: The
        MESSAGE are  simply ASCII (or  ANSI) files, and  the PROGRAM
        can be either a .COM or .EXE program (for a .BAT program the
        /C:VIA  switch must  be  added).   The TRANSLATION  TABLE is
        generated  by the XTABLE.EXE  program provided with DOORWAY.
        See the XTABLE.DOC file for more information. If the INITIAL
        WELCOME or EXIT  message has ANSI codes in it,  they will be
        displayed properly on the HOST and REMOTE ends.


        This ASCII  or ANSI  file informs  the user  of the  PROGRAM
        about to be executed and nay setup requirements; such as set
        NUMLOC key and/or have ANSI graphics installed.  If any line
        is  started  with  a $:,  then  that  line  will be  printed
        (without  the "$:") and a  "Y", "N" or  [CR] must be entered
        before  the output will  continue.   This allows  the screen
        display to be paused with a statement such as:


        If the user enters a [CR] or [Y] to the prompt, DOORWAY will
        run  the  application program;  but  if  he  enters an  [N],
        DOORWAY will return to the Bulletin Board or HOST.

        The  initial  welcome can  be  made into  a  menu.   This is
        similar    to the  monitor function  seen  on RBBS's.   When
        DOORWAY is executed, a  menu can be displayed for  selection
        of action to be taken; ie. Run a program, DROP TO  DOS, etc.
        The user enters a number from 0 to 9 or character  from A to
        Z and the program selected is loaded and run.  When aborted,
        DOORWAY returns to the menu, to  let the user select another
        door if desired.  To exit the menu, the user enters either a
        number or letter which is  not defined  (such as a [Q]).  An
        @NAME@ and @TIME@ will substitute the user name and time.


        The batch file:

        doorway com1 /r:k /g:on /i:menu

        The following page shows the actual text of the welcome file
        with the filename of "MENU".

        The WELCOME FILE (MENU):

        Welcome to Data World BBS's games doors.  Select from one of
        the following doors.  When through,  you will return to this
        menu.  To end  this doors session, type  either 'E', 'Q'  or
        selection 5.

        1. Eatumup. A  color graphic monster  maze game (you need
        2. 4inarow. Like Orthello. Can you beat the computer (ANSI).
        3. Big Rig. Drive a truck across the country (ANSI).
        4. Guessit. Let the computer guess something about you.
        5. The financial menu.
        6. Return to the HOST.

        M:Please enter your selection (1-6):

        /t: p:4inarow.exe
        /t: r:x /p:bigrig.exe
        /g:off /p:guessit.exe

        Please note that the M:...., and  switches must start on the
        left margin.

        Note  that  you can  nest  menu's,  so that  one  menu calls
        another.  When the program is exited, it  will return to the
        top  level menu.   For example, the  switch line containing:
        /I:FMENU will  call up another menu which  will be presented
        exactly like  this one.   See section  XX for an  example of

        The  M: means  that  it is  to  stop and  input a  selection
        number.  The  selection numbers start  with 0 and runs  0-9,
        then A-Z. Since a blank line is  between the M: line and the
        first selection,  the menu in this case starts with 1.

        The command line sets  the defaults for ALL the  programs in
        the  menu. Thus  the graphics will  be on,  and the  K will
        cause  an external  abort in  all the  programs, unless  set
        differently.  4inarow will  also trap for <CRTL-C>,  and Big
        Rig will also abort with a <CRTL-X>.  "GUESSIT" has the main
        command line ANSI ON directive, overridden with the /G:OFF.

        The m:...  may  also be  used.   The  "M:"  and "m:"  behave
        differently on  timeouts.   The "M:" will return to the menu
        if there is a  keyboard or user timeout,  but the "m:"  will
        return to the HOST. If PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS is being read
        and using the  actual user's time,  it is preferable to  use
        the  small  "m"; however  if only  10 minutes  in a  door is
        given, then the capital "M" would be more logical.

        DOORWAY can also password  protect any door, or the  drop to
        DOS.  Create a welcome file, and on the last line enter:


        For example:

           Enter the password for exit to dos:

        If this is in the INITIAL WELCOME file for your DROP TO DOS,
        the user  will see  the first  line, prompting  him for  the
        password. When password is entered,  dots will echo keyboard
        entry.  If the  password is entered correctly, the  door, or
        DROP TO DOS  in this case,  will be executed. Otherwise,  he
        will get  a message that the password  is wrong, and he will
        be returned to the  HOST.  The password may  be either upper
        or  lower  case letters,  as  DOORWAY  doesn't differentiate
        between them.


        The application  program can be  virtually any .COM  or .EXE
        program.   It can also be a .BAT  file, provided a /C:DOS is
        added to the DOORWAY command line. Note that the name of the
        program  to  be  run,  and the  path,  if  not  in  the same
        directory as  DOORWAY,  must be   given  EXTENSION and  ALL.
        This  is  because  COMMAND.COM  is  not  loaded  for  safety
        reasons, and  to conserve memory.   Although the  SYSOP give
        the  program  name  as "BASIC.EXE  APPLICATION",  it  is not
        recommended. If the user  was able to break  the interpreted
        basic program, or it were to abort on a  critical error, the
        user would be in the basic interpreter.  Then, he could do a
        shell command which loads COMMAND.COM, and be in DOS.  After
        checking out the BASIC program, then by all means compile it
        so a break will return to DOORWAY, which will in turn return
        control to the  HOST.  If  the program is  being run from  a
        different directory than the logged directory, and looks for
        any files in the logged directly, it may be necessary to add
        a /CD to the DOORWAY command line so the program's directory
        will be logged prior to execution.


        This  is essentially the  same as  the INITIAL  WELCOME FILE
        message, but is typed after the application program is  run.
        The "$:" will wait after that line is output, just as in the
        menu above, but any [Y] or  [N] responses will be ignored by


        The Translation Table allow you  to redefine characters from
        the REMOTE.  For more information see XTABLE.DOC file.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson